The Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs (JAH) is a leading international, peer-reviewed publication that focuses on advancing the scientific study and clinical applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), particularly in acupuncture, herbal treatments, and integrative healthcare practices. By providing a platform for high-quality research and cross-disciplinary dialogue, JAH seeks to bridge traditional healing methods with modern scientific understanding, fostering a holistic approach to health and wellness.
Our Mission
The mission of JAH is to enhance the understanding, credibility, and integration of TCM within global healthcare systems. We strive to publish rigorous research, reviews, and case studies that explore the therapeutic potential, mechanisms, and safety of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and related fields, contributing to a more comprehensive, patient-centered approach to medicine.
Scope and Focus
JAH covers a wide range of topics within the fields of TCM and integrative medicine, including but not limited to:
• Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Exploring the mechanisms, efficacy, and clinical applications of acupuncture and related practices.
• Herbal Medicine: Investigating traditional and contemporary uses, pharmacology, and therapeutic effects of medicinal herbs.
• Integrative Medicine: Studies on the holistic integration of TCM with Western medical approaches for optimal patient outcomes.
• Systems and Holistic Approaches: Addressing the interconnected nature of physiological systems within TCM’s approach to health.
• Clinical and Educational Practices: Insights on the education and development of TCM practitioners and the clinical application of TCM methods.
Who We Serve
JAH serves a global community of researchers, healthcare professionals, TCM practitioners, educators, and students. Our readership spans individuals who are dedicated to exploring TCM from both traditional and scientific perspectives, including those interested in the integration of TCM within conventional medical practices.
Our Commitment to Quality and Integrity
JAH adheres to the highest standards of ethical publishing and rigorous peer review. We are committed to ensuring that all research published in JAH is original, transparent, and methodologically sound, with a focus on advancing safe, evidence-based practices in TCM.
Join the JAH Community
As a part of the JAH community, you are invited to contribute, read, and engage with groundbreaking research that aims to transform healthcare. Whether as an author, a reviewer, or a reader, your participation helps drive our mission forward, fostering a deeper, scientifically-grounded appreciation for the role of TCM in modern health.
Explore the Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs, where ancient traditions meet modern innovation in the pursuit of holistic health.