The Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs (JAH) welcomes submissions of original research, reviews, clinical case studies, and other scholarly articles that contribute to the advancement of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, herbal medicine, and integrative health sciences. Authors are advised to carefully follow the guidelines below to ensure smooth processing and publication.
1. Manuscript Categories
• Original Research Articles: Comprehensive reports of original studies, including background, methodology, results, and discussion.
• Review Articles: In-depth reviews summarizing current knowledge on a specific topic within the journal’s scope.
• Clinical Case Studies: Detailed analyses of clinical cases with educational insights for practitioners.
• Short Communications: Brief reports on significant new findings.
• Letters to the Editor: Comments on articles previously published in JAH.
2. Submission Requirements
• Language: All manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English.
• Formatting: Use 1.5 spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and include page numbers. Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
• Length: Original research articles and reviews should not exceed 8,000 words, including references. Short communications and case studies should not exceed 3,000 words.
• Title Page: Include the title, authors’ names and affiliations, corresponding author’s email, and a concise abstract of 150-250 words.
• Keywords: Provide 3-6 keywords relevant to the manuscript content.
3. Ethical Considerations
• Human and Animal Rights: Manuscripts involving human or animal subjects must include an ethical statement and approval from an institutional review board.
• Informed Consent: Ensure informed consent was obtained for case studies or clinical research.
• Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the objectivity of the work.
4. Manuscript Structure
• Abstract: Provide a clear and structured abstract summarizing the objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
• Introduction: Describe the study’s background and purpose.
• Methods: Detail the experimental or study methods, including any statistical analyses.
• Results: Present findings clearly and concisely, using tables and figures as needed.
• Discussion: Interpret results, noting limitations and implications.
• Conclusion: Summarize key findings and their significance.
• References: Use the Vancouver citation style, ensuring all citations are accurate and complete.
5. Figures and Tables
• Figures: Submit high-resolution images in JPEG or PNG format. All figures must be labeled and referenced within the text.
• Tables: Number tables consecutively and provide clear titles and footnotes as necessary.
6. Submission Process
• Online Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted via the JAH online submission system.
• Peer Review: JAH employs a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout.
• Revision: Authors may be requested to revise their manuscript based on reviewers’ feedback. Revised manuscripts should be resubmitted within the given timeframe.
7. Publication Charges
• Article Processing Charge (APC): JAH is an open-access journal and requires an APC upon acceptance. For details on APC rates and payment methods, refer to our Publication Fees section.
8. Copyright and Open Access
• Authors retain copyright of their work and grant JAH a license to publish. All articles are distributed under a Creative Commons license, allowing unrestricted sharing with proper attribution.
9. Contact Information
For any questions about manuscript preparation or submission, please contact the editorial office at [contact email].
By following these guidelines, authors can facilitate the timely review and publication of their work in Journal of Acupuncture and Herbs. We appreciate your contributions to advancing research in acupuncture, herbs, and integrative medicine.